Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Block party!

As I blogged about here, our street planned a block party this year. We held it last night, and it was really, really swell! We had a fantastic turnout (about 40 adults and 15 kids) and  it was a snap to organize (we kept it very simple for our first go at it!)!

Here are the details of what we did:

- We charged $5 per person or $10 a household, which covered hotdogs, hamburgers, potato salad, chips, watermelon, mini-brownies, freezies, juice, and pop (almost all of this was bought a Costco)

- Folks brought their own booze and lawn chairs

- We made name/address stickers for everyone so there weren't any embarassing 'I should know your name but I don't' moments

- We used hardware store 'Caution' tape to quarden off an area of the street (technically we should have had a street permit, but whatev!)

- A few people volunteered to bring a BBQ, music, tables, picnic blankets, chip bowls, trays, water tables for the young kids, and a playpen for the babies

Easy peasy!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great time! We're going to have our 4th annual street party this September-- I plan the kids' activities with my friend. It is such a great way to get to know your neighbours better.
