Saturday, 21 April 2012

A dinner table for toddlers

I have blogged previously about how practical I find it is to have a 'kids table' around the house....colouring, crafting, reading,.....our table gets used by my daughter and her friends all day.

Tonight it is going to be the dinner table for my daughter and her friend Penny. The key components I used to make it kid friendly are:
- One of my Grandma's old card table fits perfectly on a table of this size,
- Appetizer forks/knives at each place setting,
- Plastic 'crystal' glasses, from Red Letter in Yorkville
- A few tulip blooms in a votive holder (the vessel is nice and small so it requires only a few blooms, and if it spills there is minimal water to clean up!)

bon appetit, kiddies!


  1. This is so cute! I love the little glass with tulips - precious!

  2. Love it!!!
    The tulips in a tiny vase are so sweet!
